The 1+1=4 Project
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Founder:Antone Roundy
Date Founded:Mar 1, 2016
Doers: 1
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Just Say "No" to Trump

     Let's Keep America Respectable


A project for frequent Republican voters who pledge to vote for a third party or independent candidate if Trump gets the Republican nomination. We consider it our patriotic duty to get somebody other than Trump elected, and we don't want it to be Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.


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To Complete This Project:

  1. Like the "Just Say No to Trump" Facebook page.
  2. Share one of its posts on your timeline.
  3. Pledge that you will vote for a third-party or independent candidate if Trump is nominated. (How you do it is up to you. For example, you might say so in your comments when you share something from the Facebook page.)
  4. Refer 2 people to this project and support them in completing it.


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